There are certain things that investigators and other people involved in the criminal justice process aren’t allowed to do during the handling of a case. One of things that isn’t allowed is asking leading questions in court. This is something that lawyers have to be on the lookout for during a trial. Leading questions are….
Think About Every Option For A Sexual Assault Defense
Sex crime charges are very intimate charges for many people. Oftentimes, the victims of these crimes don’t want to have to continue to relive the events. The accused person might be so emotionally distraught over the charges that any sort of testimony is almost impossible. We know that sexual assault charges sometimes come down to….
Defense Options Vary Based On The Circumstances Of Allegations
Sexual assault charges often deal with very intimate circumstances that often have to do with only two people. This can make it difficult for you to prove that you didn’t the crime of which you were accused. That doesn’t mean that it is impossible, but it can mean that you will have to work through….
Juvenile Justice Has To Factor In The Child’s Best Interests
In our previous blog post, we discussed some of the impacts that can affect youths who are held in secure detention facilities. These impacts ranged from short-term issues like the danger of attacks in these facilities to long-term issues like continuing down the path of a criminal’s life. One point that is universal in all….