La abogada de bancarrota Xue Connelly comparte su conocimiento sobre los documentos que necesitas encontrar antes de hablar con un abogado.
What Is Virginia’s New ‘Red Flag’ Gun Law?
The recently passed “red flag” law is a gun control measure that gives police and courts the ability to remove guns and firearms from individuals that they determine to pose a substantial risk to themselves or others. Learn more.
Alcohol on the Beach: Your Rights When Approached by Police
Is it legal to sip your favorite drink at the beach? Understand your rights and responsibilities for a trouble-free beach holiday. Learn more.
Addressing Your Elderly Parents in Your Estate Plan in 5 Steps
Typically, an estate plan includes accommodations for your spouse, children, grandchildren and even future generations. But some members of the family can be overlooked, such as your parents or in-laws. Yet the older generation may also need your financial assistance. How can you best handle the financial affairs of parents in the later stages of….
Should You File for Bankruptcy Due to COVID-19 Medical Bills?
Bankruptcy attorney Xue Connelly weighs in on how to handle medical debt and bankruptcy stemming from COVID-19 medical bills.
How to Get Your Record Expunged in Virginia – FAQ Friday
Want a fresh start? Discover how expunging your record works.
The Legal Consequences of Sexting – FAQ Friday
Depending on the age of the person in the image, sexting could lead to serious legal charges. Learn more.
What are the Benefits of Getting a Prenup?
While soon-to-be-newlyweds may not want to think about getting a prenuptial agreement, it can provide financial protection in the long run. Learn more.
“Porch Pirates”: What Are the Laws in Virginia?
The rise in online shopping has resulted in increased porch pirating, where delivered packages are stolen from doorsteps. While Virginia law doesn’t specifically address this issue, it can lead to charges of grand larceny or petty larceny misdemeanor depending on the stolen items’ value. Learn more.
Solicitando un divorcio y bancarrota: ¿Cual viene primero?
¿Divorcio o bancarrota primero? Aprende con la abogada Xue Connelly. Explora tus opciones y toma una decisión informada.
New Virginia Cooperation Statute Allows for Post-Conviction Sentence Reductions
Virginia passed a statute allowing for post-conviction sentence reductions. Learn more.
With Spring and Wedding Season Approaching, Couples are Asking “How Do I Tell My Fiancé I Want a Prenup?”
It may be awkward at first, but the issues in a prenuptial agreement are usually the financial issues that couples need to discuss before getting married and combining finances—or not combining finances. Learn more.
Cómo Borrar Su Archivo Criminal
Ser acusado de un delito puede tener efectos negativos y duraderos. Como explica los abogados de Friedman, Grimes, Meinken & Leischner PLLC tenéis antecedentes penales puede hacer que el proceso de tu aplicación de empleo o escuela, o tratar de obtener una autorización de seguridad sea significativamente más difícil, por eso es importante conocer sus….
Take care of a loved one who has special needs with a special needs trust
When creating or revising your estate plan, it’s important to take into account all of your loved ones. Because each family has its own unique set of circumstances, there are a variety of trusts and other vehicles available to specifically address most families’ estate planning objectives. Special needs trusts (SNTs), also called “supplemental needs trusts,”….
Lines may blur when it comes to estate and family business succession planning
Owners of closely held businesses typically have a significant portion of their wealth tied up in their enterprises. If you own a closely held business with your relatives involved, and don’t take the proper estate planning steps to ensure that it lives on after you’re gone, you may be placing your family at financial risk…..