Tax time is upon us. And for individuals dealing with divorce, the recent tax reform bill could be the difference between getting a big tax refund or paying thousands more. Experienced family law attorney Carolyn Grimes sheds light on the tax law changes and how they impact family law.
In the Media: Carolyn Grimes in USA TODAY on Bezos’ Record-Breaking Divorce
The richest man in the world is splitting from his wife, and $134 billion dollars is on the line. Amazon Founder Jeff Bezos says the divorce from MacKenzie Bezos is amicable, but with no prenuptial agreement between the two, the question is, how much will she end up with? USA TODAY turns to Carolyn Grimes,….
Cómo Navegar Las Vacaciones De Navidad
Algunos dicen que las vacaciones de navidad es la época más maravillosa del año. Decoras el árbol, las decoraciones salen y es hora de hornear galletas. Pero para los padres divorciados que desean pasar el tiempo con sus hijos el día de Navidad, puedes ser dificial tratar el como programar una visita con el niño….
How to Navigate Child Visitation During the Holidays
Some say the holidays are the most wonderful time of the year. The tree goes up, decorations come out and it’s time to bake cookies. But for divorced parents who want equal time with their kids on Christmas Day, dealing with child visitation around the holidays can be challenging. Family law attorney Carolyn Grimes shares….
Credit Card Theft & Fraud in Virginia
Virginia takes credit card theft and credit card fraud very seriously, and the state considers both crimes felonies. Learn the real cost of credit card theft.
Nuevas Leyes en Virginia – FAQ Friday
Como cambia la sociedad, también cambian nuestras leyes. Y por eso, es importante saber que es legal e ilegal en su estado. Los abogados de Friedman, Grimes, Meinken & Leischner PLLC explica algunas actualizaciones a las leyes de defensa criminal en Virginia en el FAQ Friday es esta semana. Corriendo de la Policía es Considerado….
In the Media: Attorney Foster Friedman on Important Legal Documents for College Students
Published August 24, 2018 by Foster Friedman Your child is about to leave for college. Whether they’re freshman or upperclassmen, it’s crucial they sign legal documents usually associated with seniors. Senior citizens, to be precise. Along with your packing, you should allow time to discuss the need for a HIPAA authorization form, health care proxy, durable….
Sus Derechos Cuando Se Acerca La Policía
Con el comienzo del verano, un video viral reciente de un altercado entre un visitante de la playa y la policía plantea preguntas sobre el alcohol, la playa y sus derechos. En Virginia, todas la playas públicas tienen regulaciones que no se permiten tomar bebidas alcohólicas. Pero, eso no detiene a la gente de embriagarse…..
New Laws in Virginia – FAQ Friday
As society changes, so do our laws, and it is important to stay in the know about what is legal and illegal in your state. Attorneys at Friedman, Grimes, Meinken & Leischner PLLC explains some updates to Virginia’s criminal defense laws in this week’s FAQ Friday. Running from Law Enforcement is Now Considered Resisting Arrest….
Muertes De Niños en Coches Calientes
Cada año, más o menos 40 niños mueren por haber sido dejados en un carro en el verano. Los abogados de Friedman, Grimes, Meinken & Leischner PLLC explica que el problema es que en un carro la temperatura sube rapidísima. Por ejemplo, un niño puede morir en un carro aunque solo haga 70 grados afuera….
What Are Liquidated Damages? – FAQ Friday
Employment law attorney Andrea Downing says you will often see the term liquidated damages appear in clauses and sections of employment contracts.
Backseat Tragedies: Hot Car Deaths – FAQ Friday
On average, 37 children die each year from heat stroke after being left in a parked car. Attorneys at Friedman, Grimes, Meinken & Leischner PLLC have handled these tragic cases and addresses the legal consequences that follow. With summer fast approaching and temperatures climbing, the risk of leaving your child in the car becomes extremely….
Independent Contractor vs Employee Status
What’s the difference between an independent contractor and an employee? Employment law attorney Andrea Downing explains why worker classification is so important on this week’s FAQ Friday. Independent contractors: Have control over the services they provide Have control over their own schedule, hours and vacation Often receive payment through a flat fee rather than a….
What is Workplace Bullying & Harassment?
A situation involving bullying or harassment in the workplace is not necessarily illegal on it’s own. The legality of the situation depends upon whether it the harassment is tied to a protected class. Employment law attorney Andrea Downing discusses the possible implications of workplace harassment and bullying in this week’s FAQ Friday. What Forms of….
New Merit Systems Protection Board Appointee – FAQ Friday
President Trump recently appointed Andrew Maunz as a new board member to the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB). The MSPB is a judicial agency in the Executive branch that is responsible for adjudicating federal employee appeals and accessing the merit of personnel management actions ( Employment law attorney Andrea Downing discusses how the new MSPB….