Providing Help for Fraud Victims in Alexandria, Fairfax, and Northern Virginia
Have you been the victim of bad investment advice? Did your broker make trades without your permission? Did you make an investment or purchase a business, only to learn later that the seller misrepresented the profitability of that business? Are you wondering: “What are my rights?”
Investing and trading are regulated by more than just the market. Sometimes financial professionals take advantage of even sophisticated customers, who then become the victim of predations by those entrusted with their savings.
If you invest in securities (stocks, bonds, options, limited partnerships, mutual funds, certain commodities, etc.) and you have experienced problems with your investments, your disappointment may be more than market forces at play. Or, if you have recently purchased a business, you may only learn after the fact that the business is not what the seller represented it to be.
Naturally, any investment or business relationship holds some element of risk. You’re rarely certain about how your investment will work out. Sometimes, however, that uncertainty can be a product of overreaching or fraud.
Whether or not you are a victim of fraud or some other abuse, will often depend on which laws are implicated and/or which are intended to regulate the conduct of that transaction. In many cases, you may have certain rights you’re aware of — but you must act quickly or you will be unable to recover!
When you’re ready to call, we’re ready to help. Reach us at 703-836-9030, or contact us here.
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