Business is About Successful Relationships
Your business needs a strong foundation. We can provide you with major components of that foundation using well-crafted shareholder and partnership agreements.
We draw on more than 30 years of experience as business attorneys serving the Alexandria area, Fairfax area and all of Northern Virginia, as well as on the collective knowledge of an entire practice area dedicated solely to business law.
We provide your business with a blend of insights gained from both a vigorous litigation practice and from a long-standing transactional practice. Those insights mean we can offer you a wide variety of options when it comes to drafting successful shareholder and partnership agreements.
We Help You Establish and Maintain Solid Relationships
Our comprehensive business law experience in both litigation and transaction work enables us to build shareholder and partnership agreements that successfully address current business concerns while also anticipating potential subjects of dispute. We take particular pride in offering our clients proactively crafted agreements that prevent disputes from arising in the first place.
To do so, we consult with you on an individual basis to diagnose your business’s needs and then prescribe solutions directly tailored to your circumstances. These needs routinely involve personally sensitive shareholder and partnership issues, such as the sharing of profits, severance agreements, intellectual property ownership and the characterization of ownership interests.
When you’re ready to call, we’re ready to help. Reach us at 703-836-9030, or contact us here.
Business Law Attorneys
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