FAQ Friday – Immigrants Charged With Minor Criminal Offenses
In this week’s FAQ Friday, attorneys at Friedman, Grimes, Meinken & Leischner PLLC discuss how can have enormous consequences for non-citizens.
Criminal offenses can impact your immigration status in different ways
There are various crimin...
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Cannatourism: What Are the Laws When Traveling with Marijuana?
It’s the new trend sweeping the nation: cannatourism. People are traveling to states with lax marijuana laws — like Colorado, California, and Oregon —...
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¿Puedes Ser Deportado en Virginia Por Usar Marijuana?
En Virginia, ya no es un crimen la posesión de marijuana. El estado de Virginia acaba de cambiar la ley sobre la posesión de marijuana y ahora está descriminalizada. Eso significa que si alguien está agarrado con marijuana, solo obtienes una multa de $25. Pero, la ley del estado es diferente a la l...
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D-U-I-D: Driving Under the Influence of Drugs – FAQ Friday
t’s common knowledge that the legal blood alcohol limit for is .08 and above. But that’s not the case for drugs, as there are only legal limits for three drug substances other than alcohol: cocaine, PCP, and methamphetamines.
How does self-administration factor into a DUI charge for...
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Credit Card Theft & Fraud in Virginia
Virginia takes credit card theft and credit card fraud very seriously, and the state considers both crimes felonies. While the pressures of holiday shopping are in full swing, attorneys at Friedman, Grimes, Meinken & Leischner PLLC explain the real cost of credit card theft.
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¿Cómo Hacer Una Solicitud Para Limpiar Su Archivo Criminal? – El Viernes FAQ
Ser acusado de un delito puede tener efectos negativos significativos. Los abogadas de Friedman, Grimes, Meinken & Leischner PLLC tenéis antecedentes penales puede hacer que el proceso para una solicitud de empleo o escuela sea más difícil. Por eso es importante conocer sus opciones legales cuando se trata de expu...
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El Viernes FAQ – Inmigrantes Cargados Con Delitos Menores
En el Viernes FAQ de la semana, los abogados de Friedman, Grimes, Meinken & Leischner PLLC .
¿Cómo afectan los crímenes a los inmigrantes?
Hay varios delitos pueden afectar a los inmigrantes en diferentes maneras. Si alguien que no es ciud...
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Sus Derechos Cuando Se Acerca La Policía
Con el comienzo del verano, un video viral reciente de un altercado entre un visitante de la playa y la policía plantea preguntas sobre el alcohol, la playa y sus derechos. En Virginia, todas la playas públicas tienen regulaciones que no se permiten tomar bebidas alcohólicas. Pero, eso no detiene a la gente de embriagarse. Los abo...
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Common Alcohol-Related Charges – FAQ Friday
It’s no coincidence that holidays like New Years, 4th of July, and St. Patrick’s Day have statistically higher instances of arrest compared to the rest of the year. The common denominator? Alcohol consumption. With big St. Patrick’s Day celebrations coming up tomorrow, attorneys at Friedman, Grim...
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What Are The Benefits of Hiring a Former Public Defender?
Hiring the right attorney isn’t easy, but can largely determine the outcome of your case. Attorney Carolyn Grimes explains the significant advantages of hiring a former public defender to take on your criminal or .
1. Former public defenders have more extensive experience trying cases in court.
“The re...
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Robo de Tarjetas de Crédito: Lo Que Necesitas Saber
Virginia toma muy serio el robo de tarjeta de crédito y el fraude de tarjetas de crédito. El estado considera ambos delitos graves. Los abogadas de Friedman, Grimes, Meinken & Leischner PLLC explica el costo real si robas o usas una tarjeta de crédito.
¿Cuáles son las sanciones por robo d...
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Invoking Your Right to Remain Silent – FAQ Friday
Everyone’s heard the TV-popularized phrase: “You have the right to remain silent”. It’s the Miranda rights statement, intended to prevent self-incrimination that says you are not required to speak with law enforcement if arrested. Attorneys at Friedman, Grimes, Meinken & Leischner PLLC...
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Cómo Borrar Su Archivo Criminal
Ser acusado de un delito puede tener efectos negativos y duraderos. Como explica los abogados de Friedman, Grimes, Meinken & Leischner PLLC tenéis antecedentes penales puede hacer que el proceso de tu aplicación de empleo o escuela, o tratar de obtener una autorización de seguridad sea significa...
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New Virginia Cooperation Statute Allows for Post-Conviction Sentence Reductions
Virginia recently passed a new statute allowing for post-conviction sentence reductions for prisoners in exchange for their cooperation in specific criminal cases. Partners at Friedman, Grimes, Meinken & Leischner PLLC offer insights into how this amendment be...
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“Porch Pirates”: What Are the Laws in Virginia?
The explosion of online shopping in recent years has led to a new criminal trend: porch pirating. A package gets delivered on a resident’s doorstep, but before it’s intended recipient picks it up, the package get’s snatched by a thief. Attorneys at Friedman, Grimes, Meinken & Leischner explain that while the law in Virginia...
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