Órdenes de Protección
Si alguna vez has temido que otra persona estuviera amenazando su seguridad, es posible que debe solicitar una orden de protección. En el FAQ Friday de esta semana, los abogados de Friedman, Grimes, Meinken & Leischner PLLC explicáis la diferencia entre las ...
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Órdenes de Protección Parte 2
La mayoría de gente, cree que una orden de protección es un caso criminal. En el FAQ Friday de esta semana, los abogados de Friedman, Grimes, Meinken & Leischner explicáis la diferencias entre un caso criminal y una orden de protección.
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¿Qué es el Estatuto de Shall Arrest de Virginia? – El Viernes FAQ
Cada año, millones de personas son víctimas de abuso doméstico en los EE. UU. Los abogados de Friedman, Grimes, Meinken & Leischner PLLC explica el Shall Arrest estatuto en Virginia en el Viernes FAQ.
La ley establece que cuando llamas a la policía a una residencia y existe una causa probable de que ha habido un acto de vi...
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Coronavirus and Its Impact on Domestic Violence Cases
Everyone is staying in their houses because of the coronavirus pandemic–but what happens when your home isn’t safe? The reports the pandemic raises the following questions for victims of domestic violence who need the attention of city, state and federal agencies:
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What is High-Conflict Family Law?
In high-conflict family law cases, the stakes are high on all sides. Attorney Jessica Leischner explains, “high-conflict family law cases typically involve allegations of sexual or domestic violence, child abuse or neglect...
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What Is Virginia’s Shall Arrest Statute?
Millions of people fall victim to domestic abuse in the U.S. each year. Partners at Friedman, Grimes, Meinken & Leischner PLLC discuss Virginia’s shall arrest statute on this week’s FAQ Friday.
What is the Shall Arrest statute?
The law st...
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Is It Legal to Lock Out Your Spouse in Virginia?
If you’re running into conflict with your spouse, locking him or her out of the house may seem like an easy way to resolve the situation. However, as family law attorney Jessica Leischner explains — by locking out a spous...
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No-Contact Bond Conditions in Domestic Violence Cases – FAQ Friday
In cases of domestic violence, magistrates often place as a condition of bond that the alleged aggressor is not allowed to have any form of contact with the alleged victim. Partners at Friedman, Grimes, Meinken & Leischner PLLC explain what that means for ind...
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