Legal Assistance Establishing Guardianship or Conservatorship
With more than 30 years of experience establishing guardianships and conservatorships, we understand that we are frequently working amidst medical emergencies — stressful and emotional situations. Whether you need to help a disabled loved one or an adult child with special needs, count on us to quickly take the steps necessary to help you do what is right for your loved one. Our services are available to people throughout Northern Virginia, including Alexandria and Fairfax.
The Difference Between Guardianship and Conservatorship
Guardianship and conservatorship used to be merged. Within the last decade, they were separated by law. Guardians are in control of the person and can make decisions about housing, medical treatment, education and similar issues. Conservators are in control of assets and can make all financial decisions, including how bills will be paid. These roles may both be filled by the same person.
Maintenance of Guardianship and Conservatorship
Guardians and conservators may be long-term positions. While holding these positions, annual reporting is necessary. A report will need to be made to the Commissioner of Accounts covering income and expenses, among other things. This reporting can be complex, and it is important to be aware that the authority reviewing the reports will want to see every penny accounted for. We provide services for guardians and conservators to meet these reporting and accounting requirements.
When you’re ready to call, we’re ready to help. Call us at 703-836-9030, or contact us here.
Wills, Trusts & Estates Attorneys
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